Roth Reveals Plans For The Ultimate Slasher Film


Say what you will about GRINDHOUSE (2007), but Eli Roth’s faux-trailer for THANKSGIVING was inspired lunacy, achieving a sense of genuine loyalty and homage to the golden age of the slasher film in its 2 and a half minutes that entire films in the past few years have not (won’t mention titles). It’s always been floated by Frothy Rothy as a possible feature, but only now has the man laid out an honest to goodness battleplan for getting this sucker up on the big screen:

“The plan is this: I want to do a huge budget movie, but tack on three weeks to the end of it and shoot ‘Thanksgiving’,” he revealed. “I want to do an $80 million dollar movie, and then schedule three weeks at the end to quickly shoot a $5 million dollar movie.”

Roth said that after he shoots his untitled sci-fi blockbuster, he’ll get back to his roots by filming “the sickest, bloodiest, most violent slasher movie,” he said of the “Thanksgiving” flick inspired by the holiday-themed horror classics of the ‘80s. “I want to make the highest body count slasher film I can.”

Once the sci-fi script is finished, Roth plans to shop the two movies around to studios, looking for an $85 million budget for the pair. “Yeah,” he explained of the plan. “You just do them both.”

Here’s the famous trailer for the uninitiated – and yes, that’s John Harrison’s score from CREEPSHOW!

Source: MTV

About Dusk

Writer of slasher movies.
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