Tag Archives: R.I.P.

David F. Friedman 1923 – 2011

It is with extreme sadness that we report the passing of David F. Friedman at the age of 87. Friedman had his hands in all kinds of exploitation movies through the sixties and seventies and beyond, but it was his … Continue reading

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Future Kill Composer Robert Renfrow Passes Away

I have been informed by a close friend of Future Kill composer and true Texan Robert Renfrow that he passed away on December 9th 2010 after a short illness. He was only 49. It feels like a major blow to … Continue reading

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Goodbye Mr. Hammond: Leslie Nielsen Leaves Us

Man, I hate celebrity obituaries. They seem overly superficial and obligatory, summarizing a man’s life with a hit-and-run of his Wikipedia entry. So there’s nothing I can contribute of any depth in mourning the passing of Leslie Nielsen except to … Continue reading

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Edmund Purdom 1924-2009

It is with great sadness that I write that Mr. Purdom has passed away at the age of 82 years old. Purdom began acting in theater in 1945 and went on to have a prestigious career in films, including appearing … Continue reading

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Mother Superior 1925 – 2008

It might be a little late in mentioning, but Lilyan Chauvin who played the incredibly terrifying Mother Superior in Silent Night, Deadly Night passed away on June 26th of this year. Some things about Miss Chauvin you might not know: … Continue reading

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