Portable Grindhouse!


Well, it’s about damned time.
I’ve been waiting for a book like this my whole life.

Coming soon (it’s available for pre-order, but a release date hasn’t been set in stone) from Fantagraphics is Portable Grindhouse: The Lost Art of he VHS Box Vol.1, a lavishly illustrated tome dedicated to seedy VHS box art from the early years of the video boom. While not slasher themed per se, anyone who’s had a look at the Video Gallery section of the Retro Slashers main site knows the kind of treasures that surely await within the pages of a book like this. With nearly a hundred examples of box art (complete with commentary), you just know some knife-wielders lurk within. After all, slasher fare of the day had some of the best box art around (I’m looking in your direction, House by the Cemetery).

Want a little Mom N’ Pop on the go? Now you got it, slasher fan!

Could George Eastman be lurking moistly within the…Portable Grindhouse?!

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