Madman Returns?


Eerie sightings began occurring at horror cons over the past year….Paul Ehlers – the one, the only, Madman Marz – began turning up with his superbly crafted fantasy knives, and a very interesting sign in tow….


The warm, viking-like Ehlers began proclaiming that he was eager to launch a sequel/reboot to his beloved retro slasher Madman, in a relaunch entitled Madman Marz: The Legend Lives to hopefully go into production sometime in 2008 or 2009.

Well, not one to let grass grow under his casket, your entrepid reporter decided to contact Ehlers himself, to get the skinny on Marz’ return, straight from the horse’s mouth.

His response, recieved only later that night, went as follows….

MADMAN has a Mission…..”NO HAPPY CAMPERS!” So “Heads Up” my
little “Woodkins”….did I hear that? Are you talking to ME?!
….so many heads, so little time! Keep watching the trees….
I’ll be waiting.
All the Beast!

As you can see, the results were….inconclusive. We certainly get no details of, well, any sort, but the project wasn’t exactly shot down either. It certainly seems like ol’ Marz is eager get back to work, regardless.

Ehlers regularly checks his MySpace ( page, so hit him up, fans….head out into cyberspace and say Madman Marz above a whisper….who knows….he may just hear you….and you know what happens then….over

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