Internet Gets Tired Of Rob Zombie’s H2

newmyers21Ever get indigestion? Just like Hobo Myers in full body shots looks like he’s had one too many cheeseburgers from dumpsters, many of us who run horror news sites have been realizing that Rob Zombie has been feeding us scraps. Almost every day there is something “new” to report on. Usually just a single image. And based off each single image or such, a separate news posts is generated by the major horror sites. This ensures H2 is kept in the spotlight but really, all these additional posts are a waste of bitspace. Zombie is just making the internet media work hard to constantly keep up with his bird droppings or bird crumbs (take your pick).

But the sheer ridiculousness of the situation: I think it hit me like a ton of bricks the other day when all the outlets were reporting on the latest singular image to be released from Camp Zombie, and it was just another close-up of the Myers mask – but more importantly, it was horrendously out of focus. Yet this wasn’t a talking point by reporters at all because the “script” for news writers to follow has been “Rob Zombie releases New Halloween 2 Image!” like it’s Groundhog Day. And what happened to Bill Murray? He went crazy and through himself in front of a bus.

Even WIL over at Horror Yearbook recently blew a gasket and has sworn off conducting the standard repetitious reporting of H2. I don’t blame him.

Are you tired of picking up Rob Zombie’s crumbs around the Internet? I am! If I see one more Halloween 2 or Michael Myers picture I may rip my eyeballs out! We have all seen the EXCLUSIVE! clips, behind the scenes videos, pictures, trailers and so on… And now it is time to say, “Enough is enough! I just want to see the damn movie already!”

I remember when I attended the Zombie panel for Halloween at one of the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors, and he acted like fans were insane for wanting to know about the film beforehand. Basically his attitude said, “stop asking me questions and just see the damn movie,” and I agree. So he should take his own advice and STOP! Stop putting out the posters, Uncle Coffin/Captain Spalding videos, Michael Myer pictures and let the movie stand on its own.

Read the rest: Horror Yearbook Tired of Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2

When we started our Featured Coverage of H2 here at Retro Slashers, we referenced Rob Zombie’s unorthodox methods but had some good things to say about the film so far. And as time has passed we have tried to be selective in our coverage and collect materials together before posting them. But the glut of substandard publicity material has oversaturated the internet and it needs to be stated. So Mr. Zombie, instead of worrying we will forget about your film if we’re not reminded every single day, how about posting less photographic outtakes passed up as publicity photos, and letting a little silence linger between genuinly enticing materials. It’ll do a world of good.

About Dusk

Writer of slasher movies.
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