H2 Coming Along Nicely, Bloodily


You’ve got to hand it to Rob Zombie, you really do. Some of you may think dude don’t know how to make a horror movie, but he sure knows how to harness the infinite power of the internets. Whereas other major genre productions would make every effort to keep photos to themselves before dumping them onto websites during release week (looking at you, Platinum Dunes), Rob’s taken a more direct tactic straight from day one of filming his sequel to his HALLOWEEN redux, provisionally titled as H2. He’s been releasing pics every few days – some from set, some from-film, some interesting, (like a bearded unmasked Myers) and some boring (people standing around in the distance… but by releasing a steady flow of pics almost daily, he’s ensured the horror news outlets follow with just as many news items calling out each new set of pics. And that equals – all eyes on his flick, all the time.

I honestly don’t know where the sites get the energy to keep up with that steady stream… or maybe I just don’t have enough creative streak to make article #200 on new H2 photos sound interesting. So I definitely envy their stamina. I’m certainly interested in the flick, but we’ll only post periodic updates here at Retro Slashers so as not to clog up the place.

If you are looking to keep up with all the new photos from Rob, might I recommend the recently revamped Official HALLOWEEN Website (or HM.Com to us online old-timers) so you don’t get lost between news on the latest tepid-looking studio horror flicks (geez, I really am starting to show my age, aren’t I?). HM also get first crack at exclusive pics, so bookmark that joint.

Below pic gets a thumbs-up from Team Retro – in just this one image, it looks like Laurie Strode’s going through far worse then the poor-honey scrapes and dried-up voicebox she did under Jamie Lee Curtis’ trip to hospital in the 1981 first sequel. Not that there’s any reason to compare the two beyond the number 2 in their titles – H2 isn’t a remake of HALLOWEEN 2 in any way. You’ll recall Rob Zombie already blew part two’s she’s-his-sister wad in his part one redux.


About Dusk

Writer of slasher movies.
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