Monthly Archives: January 2009

The 10 Best Slasher Movie In-jokes

It’s not funny if you have to explain it, says conventional wisdom. But the truth is: sometimes you need a little background information to fully appreciate the joke. Here are ten sly slasher movie moments that prove the genre’s just … Continue reading

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Slaughter High on DVD In April!

Coming from Lionsgate on the 14th of April, Slaughter High finally hits DVD. It will have a pop-up trivia track (could be fun!). No, it’s not widescreen nor the Unrated cut. An April foolish purchase then? Discuss. Update – see … Continue reading

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Stabbing At Horror Movie Screening

It might have been a knife instead of a pick-axe, but still pretty funny. Whups, I mean ironic – how heartless of me. (Ha!) A teenage movie fan has been stabbed following a New York screening of gruesome horror movie … Continue reading

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My Bloody Valentine: The Remake

As remakes of slasher films go, My Bloody Valentine is the best one so far. To be fair to this film I’m trying to curb my comparisons between it and the original. I’m also keeping this mini review bare bones … Continue reading

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Harry Warden makes the cover of Rue Morgue

Rue Morgue #86 sports a sweet cover featuring the slasher star of the month, Harry Warden. The issue features a new interview with director George Mihalka and producer John Dunning. The gore shots included with the interviews will make your … Continue reading

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Description Of Uncut My Bloody Valentine Gore!

UK fan Christopher Kane writes in with the following glorious details. Spoilers further in! Just wanted to say that yesterday i received my copy of My Bloody Valentine special edition a week before it’s release. Lets me just say, I … Continue reading

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There’s just a lot of interesting stuff online right now, so I thought I’d share… For those of you who might not have heard yet, there is documentary in the works on the late, great Bob Clark. According to the … Continue reading

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Edmund Purdom 1924-2009

It is with great sadness that I write that Mr. Purdom has passed away at the age of 82 years old. Purdom began acting in theater in 1945 and went on to have a prestigious career in films, including appearing … Continue reading

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My Bloody Valentine (1981) Special Edition Trailer

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1st Quarter 2009: Three Great Months for Slasher Fans

Jan. 13, 2009  My Bloody Valentine Uncut.  This is the holy grail of uncut slasher films.  I still find it hard to believe that MBV is finally going to be seen in all its gory glory.  Words can’t describe my … Continue reading

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